Where you go to find men will depend on the type of man you are looking for. For example if you are an outgoing type of person that likes to party then your ideal man isn't likely to be hanging around a chess tournament.
If on the other hand if you don't like drinking and your idea of a perfect evening is to sit down with a good book then bars are not places for you to meet men.
So, your first task is to define the type of man that's ideal for you. Once you know who you are looking for you can figure out where he is going to be and then go there and meet him.
Sounds logical right, but how many people actually do it? Not many. Most women will just blindly go through life hope to find Mr. Right with no idea how to recognize him when he does show up.
Here's a little compatibility exercise to help you to define your perfect match.
Sit down and make two lists. Make one list of all the qualities you want in a man and another list of all the qualities you don't want. In fact you might make a third list of qualities that you aren't sure whether you want or don't want.
Now that you have your lists made go through the list of things you want in a man and pick out the one thing that is most important to you and highlight it.
Then pick two or three that are very important.
The rest you should consider to be things that would be nice but aren't critical.
Do the same with your list of things you don't want.
Look over your lists and try to find any contradictions. For example if you want a man that's friendly, outgoing and loves to be around people it doesn't make sense to have on your don't want list a man who doesn't want to spend all his evenings alone with you.
Make any adjustments to the lists that you need to until you have a clear idea of the type of men you want to meet.
Now that you know who you want to meet you can start to make a list of places he's likely to be at. Start going to these places until you find the man that's compatible with you.
If you find that you don't like being at some of these places - stop going. If he likes being there and you don't it's really a mark against your compatibility anyway.
You aren't going to meet men by staying at home wishing he'd magically pop into your life. Get out there and find him.
What are you going to do when you do see him? Are you going to sit there and wonder if he's interested or are you going to actively do something to meet him?
First you want to know if he's interested. Read How Interested Is He
If you think he's interested then you need to get him to approach you